This week I concentrated my efforts on the girls..well mostly, I did create a Male Nude Fairy, I will show in another post. This first little fairy is so tiny, and just look at her beautiful orange hair! I have such great friends, Madame Samm graciously sent me a variety of goodies which I received last week. Among those goodies were some of the dress materials you will see here, as well as wool in varios colors! Thank you so much Samm! visit Samm here and here!

My dear friend, Angela has also been very kind to me, always sending extras every time I order wing transparency sheets visit Angela here!
My girls are dressed so pretty thanks to Samm, and their wings will look great, thanks to Angela!
here, on tiny "Flutter" you see more of the great wool Samm sent!
I have so many really great friends I have met here through the blog, and through my collectors on ebay, I am so lucky to have you all in my life. Patricia, Jacqueline, Anita, Rose, Penny, Kristy, Cindy, Jess, Ree, Samm, Angela, JoAnna, Abi,, Jo, Ascension, Ewa, Contar, Karin, Amy, Sandy, Patrizia, Kai Jodi, Debbie, SueAnne,..oh my I know I am forgetting so many, you see, they are countless!! Daily, you bring me joy, and inspiration, and then there are the goodies, I am so grateful for the gifts I receive, both material gifts, and spiritual gifts!! I have one other very dear friend I want to mention, she does not have a blog...YET< I am working on her..haha, but she is so dear to me, we met through ebay, and are now great friends, we talk several times a week, and she has sent me BOATLOADS of things she hopes I can use in creating my art dolls. KATHLEEN, my dear friend, thank you so much for everything you do for me always. I wish we would have met long ago, but you know I could live three lifetimes, and never use everything you have sent me! haha I'm trying though...Love you all so much, and I apologize if your name was left out, I'm sure I will think of you as soon as I post this..(smiles)