Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Karinne Tea Cup Daydreamer

Hello friends, This is my latest work, a pretty Tea Cup daydreamer fairy I have named Karinne. She is listed on my ebay now! Hope you are all having a great week! xoxox Christel


Ilona said...

She is a natural beauty, Christel, she sits very relaxed in her wonderful green tea cup ;)!
Hugs, Ilona

The Old Maid said...

She is sooooo pretty! Beautiful work Christel!

Victoria said...

Este año como cada año, nuestro tren parara en alguna estación, depende de cada uno de nosotros dejar ir a la tristezas, miedos, frustraciones, malos momentos, desamor. Agradece a cada uno de ellos.. su compañía y sus enseñanzas, aunque hayan sido dolorosas, déjalos ir, déjalos bajar de este tren. Deseo que en esta parada, a tu tren suban miles de bendiciones, sueños alcanzables, amor, abundancia, fuerza y determinación para seguir tu viaje.
Hoy en mi vagón quedaran puestos desocupados y espero te sientes a mi lado para compartir junt@s este nuevo viaje. FELIZ NUEVO COMIENZO EN ESTE AÑO 2015!!!


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Christel, she is just exquisite! Your masterful hands have created magic...
I hope all is well, dear friend.
love and blessings,

sweetvintageofmine said...

Hello Christel! What beautiful work!! Very intriguing! Thank you for visiting my blog and the SWEET comments! I am your newest follower~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

You are such a sweetheart... Thank you for coming over for a visit... It warms my heart to know you enjoyed the post about my mom.
Sending you a big hug!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Christel,
I wanted to come over and wish you a beautiful Valentine's Day tomorrow, and thank you for coming over to meet Henry and leaving such a sweet note.
I keep you in my thoughts.