Hello friends! I know this is the first time, in a long time that I have posted. I keep telling myself that I need to post to my blog more often, and visit you all. I am excited to share with you all what I have been up to this past little while. Working very hard to get the details all in there...I present my newest collection of art doll sculptures...Oz Characters!
I am so happy to make these fun characters once again! I have spent many hours on the details of each piece, and hope that you agree when I say, these are my best Oz characters yet! I have them each listed on ebay this week, although, with the hurricanes, and devastation, I am thinking it may not be the right time to list them, and I may relist them at a later time if they go unsold.
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit, my apologies for not being attentive to my blog..I promise, I will be better! xoxoxo Christel
Hi Christel! I really wondered where you were.....but now I know: you have been working very hard getting those fabulous details all in there ;)! Your newest collection of Oz Characters is absolutely stunning!! Oh my, to put all those details in them, that will have taken all of your time, but the result is stunning artwork, all of them! The expressions of their faces, the clothing and the specific details, which belong to these characters, are all in there....amazing and so beautifully done, you're absolutely a very talented artist!
And.....I'm glad to read that everything is okay with you and you're working hard at your dolls. I hope that there will be no huge hurricanes to disturb your life and work. Wish you will be safe for the coming (hurricane) period and good luck with the sale of these gorgeous dolls, Christel.
Warm hug, Ilona
PS Thank you for stopping by at my blog and for leaving me such a kind comment :D!
Hello dear friend.
It is so good to see you here, and thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a sweet comment and name suggestion.
I do believe this is some of your best work yet! You have captured all the characters perfectly!!! Outstanding workmanship, Christel.
I hope this note find you well, safe and sound...
Love and blessings,
Dear Penny, Yes, I am doing well! I hope the very same for you, and yours! Your felting skills just keep getting better, and better, one can see the joy it brings to you, through your pieces. Thank you so much for your sweet comments, and your visit, it is always wonderful to see you have been here! xoxox Christel
Dear Ilona, thank you so much for stopping in to see my Oz characters! As you know, everything you create just blows me away! To work so perfectly precise in such a tiny scale is amazing to me. Hope all is wonderful in your world. fairy Blessings sweet lady! xoxox Christel
Dearest Christel...its been a while...so I am now here visiting you to find this outstanding amazing work..Its marvelous!!!!
Bringing you blessings my friend and Nowhere traveler...thank you for the B-day wishes xoxo
Dear Christel,
It has been so quiet on your enchanting blog. I hope this note finds you well.
I wanted to wish you a happy holiday season.. Please know I carry you in my heart, and think of you often.
Love and Blessings to you and family,
Your Oz characters are a Delight to the eye! You have captured the individuals so well in not just their faces but also in their poses- WOW!
Great bblog post
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